PPE Inspection - Adventurous Activity Equipment
Adventurous activity equipment used as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) requires regular inspection under LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998) or PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998). These regulations state that all equipment, whether PPE or load bearing, should have a written inspection by a Competent Person every six months.
Such equipment includes:
- Harnesses for climbing, high ropes and work at height
- Helmets for climbing or work at height
- Carabiners and other connectors
- Belay devices, ascenders and descenders
- Mountaineering and low stretch ropes
I can offer an inspection programme covering all of the climbing and rope access equipment in use at your centre. I can undertake thorough inspections of all your PPE and load-bearing equipment providing a comprehensive inspection record to ensure that you meet your legal requirements. I can also advise on what records you need to keep, and how to best maintain and store your equipment.
Inspections may also be required in exceptional circumstances, for example when equipment is left unused for long periods of time, when there’s a change in use or is subject to a large fall/impact. Additional inspections can be arranged between thorough examinations as necessary.
Competent Person - Trained, Experienced and Knowledgable
I undertake a Lyon PPE Inspection – Approved Competent Person training course every three years to maintain my training and knowledge. I keep abreast of new equipment and changes in legislation. I remain experienced through regular use and inspection of equipment.